🦊7. Giving plushies to players
Examples on how/when to give plushies to players:
Server events
Give to friends playing with you
Donator perks
Mystery boxes
Server shop
Creative servers decorations
To give a plush, you have to set the permission to the player. The permission is: plush.Name
For example, a player with permission plush.sniffer will be able to get it from the plush menu with the command /plushies
In Luckperms, you would use: /lp user Nick permission set plush.sniffer
How it works:
When the player gets the plush from the gui, his permission is unset, so he cannot get it mutiple times.
When he breaks the plush, the pemission is automatically given back to him, so he can pick the item again from the menu.
Here is the list of all the permissions:
(These permission are NOT to be given to everyone, as they allow the players to get the actual plush item from the gui menu. Give them individually to players.)
plush.annabelle plush.babycamel plush.babyllama plush.babymooshroom plush.babypanda plush.blackcat plush.blueaxolotl plush.fox plush.irongolem plush.jason plush.jason878 plush.jigsaw plush.lightbrownrabbit plush.orangecat plush.pennywise plush.santa plush.shulker plush.sittingwolf plush.sniffer plush.snowfox plush.warden plush.witch plush.wolf
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